blood sugar and thyroid

Why balanced blood sugar matters for thyroid health.

Why balanced blood sugar matters for thyroid health.

Every organ or gland in the body uses sugar (glucose) for energy production. If you don’t have glucose getting into your cells, you will suffer with low energy. Low energy for your cells but also low energy for you. If your cells can’t be fueled, that will definitely affect your overall energy levels.

If you have low blood sugar, either from not eating enough or from being on a blood sugar roller coaster with the dips of low blood sugar, then your thyroid will not have enough energy to do its job creating a sluggish thyroid.

What do I eat for Type 2 Diabetes? Episode 41.

What do I eat for Type 2 Diabetes? Episode 41.

A listener who has Celiac Disease, Hashimoto’s, and now Diabetes is looking for a diet that will work for her. Let’s take a closer look at foods that can help reset the body and why. And, the importance of making lifestyle changes rather than “dieting” to better control the blood sugar and insulin in your body.

How does blood sugar dysregulation affect the thyroid? Episode 31.

How does blood sugar dysregulation affect the thyroid? Episode 31.

Why is maintaining healthy blood sugar levels or keeping your blood sugar balanced so important for your thyroid? In this episode, we’ll explore some whys and how-to’s surrounding this issue. Also, check out my RESTART program for more information and support on getting your blood sugar balanced.