blood sugar

Why balanced blood sugar matters for thyroid health.

Why balanced blood sugar matters for thyroid health.

Every organ or gland in the body uses sugar (glucose) for energy production. If you don’t have glucose getting into your cells, you will suffer with low energy. Low energy for your cells but also low energy for you. If your cells can’t be fueled, that will definitely affect your overall energy levels.

If you have low blood sugar, either from not eating enough or from being on a blood sugar roller coaster with the dips of low blood sugar, then your thyroid will not have enough energy to do its job creating a sluggish thyroid.

How do you push through the fatigue? Episode 13.

How do you push through the fatigue? Episode 13.

Let’s focus on fatigue. When you have Hashimoto’s, you know fatigue well. What can be contributing to it? Anemia. Food sensitivities. Vitamin B12 values. Irregular blood sugar. Digestion issues. Low vitamin D. Join me for this episode as we discuss this very debilitating symptom that can often have you feeling like you are moving in slow motion.

Natural desiccated thyroid hormone vs. synthetic, dry brittle hair, and having invisible illness. Episode 6.

Natural desiccated thyroid hormone vs. synthetic, dry brittle hair, and having invisible illness. Episode 6.

Let’s talk about the differences between natural thyroid hormone replacement and synthetic, why am I having dry brittle hair, and what’s it like to have an invisible disease. What would you want your friends and family to know?