
Why am I fat? High cortisol from calorie restriction.

Why am I fat? High cortisol from calorie restriction.

I came across a study called Low Calorie Dieting Increases Cortisol by Yomiyama and colleagues 2010 in the journal of the American Psychosomatic Society.

The study was looking at dieting and the effect is has on psychological and physical stress so not immediately related to Hashimoto’s but if you are struggling with your weight at all because of hypothyroidism and you are restricting calories in hopes of losing weight, this is why this study is important.

Endocrinologists, medication, and first steps to take when diagnosed. Episode 9.

Endocrinologists, medication, and first steps to take when diagnosed. Episode 9.

We go to the doctor and they tell us to take the medicine and come back in three months or so to be tested to see if we are at the right dosage.  I personally got nothing at all from an endocrinologist. You have a right to find someone who will listen. Unfortunately I realize that some of you have horrible health insurance and don’t have the ability to look around much so I have a plan for you! Join me for this episode as we explore the diagnosis and what comes next.