how to fix hypothyroidism

The Promise of Health

The Promise of Health

I was in the book store the other day with my daughter. While she was looking around I was in the health section. I was just looking at 100’s of books selling a promise of feeling better. I probably have had 30 or more of those kinds of books- selling health and happiness. Even cookbooks, especially the paleo ones. They say I found health through food. Food is medicine… etc.

I certainly don’t disagree that food is medicine and that it can heal but what do you do when the food you eat isn’t enough. You turn to supplements because they too offer a promise of feeling better and sometimes they do help you feel better because your body is deficient in something and giving it that particular nutrient helps it work better. Sometimes they work.

I get an email almost daily from a company selling gut health supplements. That is all they do- they tell a story in their emails and then sell you a $60 bottle of digestive enzymes because they will cure it all. They probably work for some people or they wouldn’t keep selling them.

But what happens when you do all the things and you still don’t feel better?

Losing weight after menopause

Losing weight after menopause

This episode answers a listener question about the potential challenges of losing weight after menopause. Everything changes in this stage of life and some of those changes make it really hard to lose the weight gained because of the change in our hormones. Add in a thyroid problem too and it can be even more challenging. I discuss many of the things that need to be addressed in order to prevent fat gain and promote it's loss.