elimination diet

Is an elimination diet necessary for healing Hashimoto’s?

Is an elimination diet necessary for healing Hashimoto’s?

Is an elimination diet necessary for healing Hashimoto’s?

The internet says so. I say, maybe.

Functional medicine and functional nutrition look at foods differently than conventional medicine. We look at foods that are causing inflammation or are creating a toxic burden especially when it comes to autoimmune disease. What I’m looking for in having my clients change their diet is to see if there are foods that are contributing to immune system dysfunction.

Oops! I forgot to take my medication. Plus, how’s your poop? Episode 17.

Oops! I forgot to take my medication. Plus, how’s your poop? Episode 17.

What do you do if you forget to take your medication? How are you eating? Are you always eating on the run? What happens when our digestion isn’t working well? Let’s talk about all of this and more as we look at the answers to these questions. Because when our digestion isn’t working well, it affects our thyroid — we will also be talking about poop. Join me in this real discussion about real life issues.