New Years Resolutions

How to make your new years resolutions stick.

How to make your new years resolutions stick.

This month is coming up on three years since I made a commitment to make exercise a part of my life. As I have said many times before, menopause was not kind to me. A 30ish pound weight gain over 2 years was devastating for me because I have never had a weight problem. The biggest I had ever been was 20 years prior to that after I had my first child. None of my clothes fit me after she was born and I was horrified. I had based my self esteem on my looks and on my size and when my size was not to my liking, my self esteem plummeted. I had not yet been diagnosed with hypothyroidism so I couldn’t even use that as an excuse. I actually never struggled with my weight through my diagnosis and afterwards. I was always a skinny person with Hashimoto’s.